Eloboost.com Loyalty
We are happy to announce the arrival of the eloboost.com loyalty program!
We have always prided ourselves on giving back to our customers individually via our amazing chat team, but now we are super excited to offer all our loyal customers the rewards you deserve for sticking with us all these years.
We have implemented 5 loyalty tiers to get you hungry for more success. It’s simple - Boost more, Pay less!

Lifetime 2%off

Lifetime 4%off

Lifetime 6%off

Lifetime 8%off

Lifetime 10%off


USD 1 spent

USD 100 spent

USD 200 spent

USD 500 spent

USD 1500 spent
All purchases you make on eloboost.com count towards your progress. Literally everything! That means, boosting and coaching as well as any add ons.
How It Works
Place any order on eloboost.com. Log in and keep an eye on all the glory.
Once the order status has been marked as complete, voila! You will instantly see the advancement towards your next tier within your profile.
If your previous order tips you over the threshold for the next tier, the discount will be available for your next and ALL future purchases!
BONUS! Thanks for the love. All your eloboost.com loyalty discounts are 100% combinable with the promos we run from time to time!