We’re hitting you again with more interesting League of Legends facts today. These articles have been immensely popular with our readers, perhaps because a lot of this information isn’t commonly known by the player base at large. We cover everything from random facts about champions in the game, about character designs, about little-known facts concerning the development of the game itself, and about so much more. If you’re interested in accumulating trivial knowledge about League, you’re going to love our article. Check out our previous articles on the same topic to find out more about League that you might not have known.
First of all, did you know that the sound of Zac’s Squishies were made with some very creative foley? Apparently, the sound designers put beans, dog food, and water in a condom and slapped it against a hard surface in order to make the sound of the Squishies. Pretty disgusting, but hats off to the sound designers of the game for being incredibly creative with their foley. These sounds wouldn’t be possible without some innovative ways of creating the noises we hear in game. The more believable the noises, the more we feel immersed in the game world.
If you’ve read extensively into the game lore, you might already know that Blitzcrank runs his own dating service on the side. He runs a massive chain of magical cafes where he offers to match up “Fleshlings” with one and other in order to help them find love and “instant mating”. Blitzcrank seems to be doing his best to ensure that Fleshlings continue to dominate the world in League of Legends, despite the fact that he isn’t terribly fond of them. That’s some pretty funny lore, and it is just one of hundreds of anecdotal pieces about the backstories of champions in the game.
If you’ve seen Clerks, you know the infamous “Berserker” moment. Silent Bob’s cousin is very obsessed with a particularly vulgar heavy metal song, which inspired Olaf the Berserker, according to the game’s designers. We’re not sure if Olaf is a fan of heavy metal, but given the fact that he wears a badass helm and dishes out some serious punishment in the game, we think he’d appreciate the lyrics and Silent Bob’s cousin as well. Do you think Olaf would blast heavy metal in his helmet when he goes into battle? It seems plausible.
Heimerdinger’s a very bookish individual, and he’s most likely one of the most well-read champions in the lore. We can insinuate that he’s probably read the Douglas Adams classic sci-fi novel, “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, as he makes a reference to the divine significance of the number 42 with his line: “42… There’s just something about that number.” If you’ve read the book yourself, you’ll know that Adams posited that 42 was the answer to every question in the universe and the meaning of life.