I still remember the first time I was introduced to League of Legends back in my freshman year of college. This wasn’t too long after the game came out, so I was still pretty new to the game. I was playing a champion who wasn’t meant to be jungler, and I wondered why my teammates complained when I decided to wander into the forest and cross lanes. Without knowing what the hell I was doing, I was hopelessly lost. There weren’t a lot of trustworthy guides sites back then either, so I spent the majority of my time plumbing forum posts, reading guides written by fans on these forums, and asking questions of the community whenever I got the opportunity to do so.
There was a sense of mystery back then that was very charming, and it reminded me of playing console games as a kid without really knowing any of the strategies to take on bosses in platformers. Trial and error was what it was all about, and I had fun with pure experimentation as a kid before I ever contemplated that professional gaming would ever exist. I handled my first months in League in exactly the same way, consulting people directly for advice and finding tips in the most obscure places.
Flash forward to 2016 and players have a limitless amount of resources. There’s really no excuse not to have some knowledge on the game’s mechanics this day and age, even if you’re a casual player. That being said, many people have different learning styles. A lot of us are readers, some of us learn best by writing things down, and other people learn best by doing things directly, watching a video, or being consulted directly by a teacher. For people who learn best from one-on-one teaching, there’s always League of Legends coaching available.
League coaching is a great option for players who learn better when being taught directly by a professional gamer. Our company offers the most comprehensive full-service coaching experience in the industry, and we ensure that you improve your skills with whatever champs you’re interested in improving your skills at. We offer a ton of different customizable options when it comes to learning how to play League. If you’re the type of person that learns best with a traditional teacher-student format, this may be the difference between you remaining a mediocre playing or becoming an exceptional one.
Across the board, whenever you speak to professional gamers who have made a career out of playing League and other games, they all talk about how important it was to have a mentor. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t lucky enough to be in circles where professional gamers hang out—nor would a world-class champion be willing to teach the average person. When I started out in League, I would have been grateful to have mentor. Take a look at our coaching packages to enlist the help of one of the world’s best players for a great price, and we’ll help you learn how to improve your game.